Announcement: TEUH - The European-Ukrainian Hub - Workshops



TEUH – The European-Ukrainian Hub
Announcement of the desired purchase

General information

Title of the announcement: TEUH - The European-Ukrainian Hub - Workshops

Advertiser: TEUH - The European-Ukrainian Hub, IVÆKST ApS, Alhambravej 3, 1826 Frederiksberg C

Date: 12.02.2024
Deadline: 26.02.2024 at. 12.00 noon (ATT: deadline has been extended from 19.02.2024)

Contact person / information:

Andreas Dahl Lauritzen
tel. +45 27505725

Please submit all questions in writing for the sake of documentation.

TEUH - The European Ukrainian Hub is a national entrepreneur project running from December 2023- July
2024. Through this period of time, the goal is to educate and improve the entrepreneurial skills of more
than 1.000 Ukrainians residing in Denmark.

The task:

We TEUH - The European-Ukrainian Hub are looking for a collaboration partner(s) to perform multiple or all
of 90 workshops across Denmark for potential Ukrainian entrepreneurs. All workshops must be completed
by 30/6 2024 at the latest.

The content of the workshops must be provided in at least a bundle of 10 workshops, and have
Entrepreneurship in focus. The topics are not fixed, but can be put together based on experience.

Topics can include but are not limited to:

Skills and aspects of starting a business in Denmark and in general (appx. 10):

  1. How to register your business in Denmark.
  2. From lab to business: Grants and startups.
  3. Business in the European Union (Import-export).
  4. Food industry: franchises, licences, employees.
  5. How to open and promote NGO.
  6. How to write a business plan.
  7. How to create an IT company.
  8. Starting a construction/renovation business: licenses, admissions, insuring.
  9. Options for Ukrainian companies in Denmark after ending of SL1 (transferring business to Ukraine).
  10. Service entrepreneurship: opening a beauty school, providing beauty services.

Aspects of running a business (appx. 20)

  1. Contract Law.
  2. Trade union committees in Denmark for business owners.
  3. Trade union committees for employees, what a businessman needs to take into account in the
  4. Insuring business in Denmark.
  5. Basic accounting and taxation for entrepreneurs in Denmark.
  6. Business development and company promotion.
  7. Digital Platforms for entrepreneurs.
  8. LinkedIn for business.
  9. Financing tools and financial turnover planning.
  10. Taxes for businesses in Denmark.
  11. Document flow.
  12. Marketing in Denmark.

Developing business skills (appx. 10)

  1. AI for business.
  2. Fundamentals of Digital Marketing.
  3. Exercising Leadership.
  4. Team management and how to select a team.
  5. Email marketing.
  6. E-commerce Platforms.
  7. Building a Website.
  8. Social Media Marketing.
  9. Danish Economy, Businesses and politics.

Developing communication skills (appx.15 workshops)

  1. Business English.
  2. How to conduct business negotiations in English.
  3. How to pitch your product or service.
  4. How to write a business letter.
  5. Business etiquette in Denmark.
  6. Successful Negotiation: Essential Strategies and Skills.
  7. Network in Denmark.
  8. Developing a one-person company in the beauty industry in Denmark.
  9. Transferring B2C to B2B.

Accounting for business (appx. 10)

  1. How a solo entrepreneur organize an accounting unit for their activity.
  2. Entrusting processes to an accountant in Denmark.
  3. Salary payment processes.
  4. MOMS / VAT.
  5. Work with debtors and creditors.
  6. How to work with different currencies.
  7. Reporting.

Business tours to companies (appx. 10-20)
Organize and conduct visits for Ukrainians to Danish and international companies that can get insights to
the processes of running business. 20% of tours preferably to be on Fyn and Jutland, prioritizing tours in

  1. Trade unions.
  2. Logistics companies.
  3. Niche companies (beauty salons, restaurants, cafes, construction companies, renovation
    companies, etc.).
  4. IT companies.
  5. Startups
  6. Organisations and NGO related to business and entrepreneurship.

If all the tours are supplied as a bundle, it should be a minimum of 10 business tours to Danish companies
for the Ukrainian community in Denmark aiming at deepening the knowledge of the business community in
Denmark, values, processes organization, development of business initiatives.

We expect the supplier to undertake the organization and conduction of 10+ business tours - February 15 to
June 15, promote these activities in Social Media and gather participants (min 10 people), conduct the
tours, and get feedback from participants (1 feedback per group). It is expected that the partner will
organize at least 20% of the activities in Jutland and involve Ukrainians living in this part of the country in
these opportunities.

It is expected that about 100 Ukrainian refugees in Denmark will be involved in all the activities of the
business tour program.

The topics are not fixed, but can be put together based on experience from previous courses. We are also
open to suggestions.

The supplier must be able to organize and conduct the workshops independently, be it physically, online, or
physically with livestream option, workshop or business tour. Arrange date and time with TEUH, and arrange
marketing content with TEUH.

It is a requirement that suppliers can develop, organize, and run workshops on the basis of high professional
skills and teaching experience. This includes the ability to produce quality content that creates high returns
for the target group (Ukrainian entrepreneurs in Denmark) based on concrete tools, tips, and content.

The target group is Ukrainian refugees residing in Denmark. The project's main purpose is for the target
group to acquire skills and knowledge that can help them start a business in Denmark or Ukraine.

The course must contribute to creating:

  • Growth and employment - The effort must give Ukrainians the opportunity to acquire skills to create
    growth and employment while they reside/stay in Denmark. Through their professional activity, turnover,
    jobs and growth must be created as a consequence.

Overall, each workshop must be able to engage at least 10 entrepreneurs. There is a great deal of freedom
to structure the process as the supplier sees fit. The ordering party assists the supplier with inspiration and
teaching materials from previously held workshops. The workshops must be conducted on evenings and
weekends to accommodate the target group. It is very likely that several workshops will be running at the
same time. The recommended time for workshops is 1-2 hours.

The workshops should be facilitated in English or Ukrainian. The offer should clearly state which language
the workshop will be facilitated in, or if it can be facilitated in both languages. If the workshop is in English,
we need to know if the presentation can be in Ukrainian.

It is important for the entrepreneurs' experience that they are met at eye level and that they get the
opportunity to put their individual projects in focus through the workshops.

In the process of recruiting participants for the course, we expect the supplier to provide input for
marketing material and help share on its own channels aimed at the target group, where this may be
relevant. We expect the supplier to create a 1-minute video in which they talk about the course, at least 2
promoting posts on social media, and 1 feedback post on social media as well. This will be agreed in detail
with the selected supplier.

The offer must include one overall price for the amount of workshops the supplier wishes to conduct, and
price pr. workshop. The price must include all costs associated with the development, organization and
conducting of the workshops - e.g. preparation time, driving, transport, materials, diets etc. It must be
clearly stated in the offer what is expected of costs in connection with teaching and what is expected of
costs for transport, meals, and accommodation. It is permitted to indicate a differentiated price or
differentiated solution proposal per region and for an online workshop (Copenhagen area, Zealand, Funen,
South Jutland, Central Jutland and North Jutland). In addition to the registered participants, there must be
room for employees from the contracting authority.

If the course and the collaboration are successful, there will be the possibility of performing repeated
courses within the project period. Courses must be able to be completed throughout the country as well as
online, and if this is not possible, then this must be clearly stated in the offer. The supplier should indicate
whether or not they are interested in being selected for only parts of the project.

1. Task description
If you can handle the entire task and cover all topics, the partner must:

  • Conduct a minimum of 10 workshops (90 in total) from February 2024 until 30/6 2024.
  • Overall, each workshop must be able to accommodate a minimum of 10 participating
    entrepreneurs as well as any representatives of the ordering party.
  • Describe the content of the individual workshops.
  • Facilitate the individual workshops in such a way that the entrepreneurs can work practically with
    their idea.
  • Actively participate in marketing efforts of the offer.

2. General requirements for all workshops:

  • Workshops must be a mixture of professional inputs, presentations and practical exercises.
  • Emphasis must be placed on the participants acquiring skills that can be converted into their own
    business or its development.
  • Workshops must end with suggestions and references to the participants for further insights within
    the given topic and/or advice on next steps.
  • Workshops must provide the participants with suggestions for literature, articles, websites, social
    media etc., which can be useful in their further work in developing their business ideas.
  • Workshops must inform where the entrepreneurs can find help from both public and private
  • Workshops are expected to be held during the evening, and potentially on weekends which is why
    the supplier should be able to show flexibility for this.
  • It is expected that the suppliers can give the participants access to relevant material and
    information via a suitable digital platform, as well as make all material available to TEUH - The
    European-Ukrainian Hub.
  • The supplier must provide the information about the speakers on each workshop, the slides or
    other materials, proving of workshops being held and being open to workshops being recorded.
  • For activities that are carried out in whole or in part virtually, the supplier must show experience
    with performing workshops online, as well as ensure that the technical setup can carry out the task
    in a professional manner.
  • The supplier must provide professional equipment (computer, microphone, camera, etc.) for online
  • The ordering party makes Zoom available for performing an online workshop.
  • A coordinating meeting will be held with the selected supplier, where the final details and any
    adaptations are agreed upon in more detail.
  • During the process, the selected supplier must help to identify the most promising participants and
    pass on who these are to TEUH - The European-Ukrainian Hub.
  • The supplier is committed to an iterative process with continuous quality assurance based on
    feedback and possibly adjustment based on user evaluations.

The service must include active and polite communication with the workshop/course participants, including
inviting them to the following workshops if there are several of them, reminding about and reviewing
homework, inspiring participants to leave feedback in SoMe about the workshop.

Please note that it is not possible to become a supplier to TEUH - The European-Ukrainian Hub if you are a
current or former participant in TEUH - The European-Ukrainian Hub.

3. Offer specification

The offer must be sent to and include CVR no. The offer must be dated and signed.

The offer to TEUH - The European-Ukrainian Hub should amount to approx. 2-5 pages and specify:

  • Price for performing at least 10 workshops incl. preparation, transport, meals, accommodation and
    materials. As well as the price for repeating the workshops. The price must be all-inclusive, as there
    will be no possibility of reimbursing expenses outside of the delivery.
  • Contact person(s) regarding the course. Name, organization and e-mail address should be specified
  • Description of the contact person(s) who will carry out the task.
  • Description of the overall content of the workshop(s).
  • Description of the specific entrepreneur target group, if this is desired to be described in more
    detail than the general framework.
  • Confirm whether the supplier wants to let the offer apply to later processes, even if you do not

initially win the task. This can come into effect, among other things, if the project assesses that
there is a need for more suppliers to solve the task nationally or several processes. The task and
offer price must be unchanged.

The total budget for the task of 10 workshops is up to DKK 30.000 DKK excl. VAT. or 3.000 DKK pr. workshop
excl. VAT. Price for any repetition of a workshop must also be stated in the offer in order for the supplier to
be offered the execution of several similar workshops in the future.

The payment is due 30 days after the end of the final workshop.

In the selection phase, an assessment is made of the individual tenderer's general suitability in relation to
the requested task. The assessment is made on the basis of the evaluation criteria below.

The evaluation criteria and their weighting are as follows:

  • Price: 20%

The tenderer is asked to specify the price based on:

  • Organisation/preparation (incl. coordination with TEUH - The European-Ukrainian Hub) and
    development of teaching material.
  • Implementation of teaching.
  • External costs associated with settlement (e.g. transport, diets, overnight stays, printing etc.).
  • Quality: 80%

Quality is assessed based on the following 4 criteria, of which the overall offer must give a clear picture:

  • The concept, structure and relevance of the workshops.
  • Professional competences in relation to the theme of the workshops.
  • Experience and skills in relation to teaching and facilitation.
  • Understanding of and experience with the course's target group.

IVÆKST ApS reserves the right not to choose one of the offers received if no offer is deemed to be able to
perform the task satisfactorily. In that case, the project assesses whether the task is advertised again or not
carried out.

Sidst opdateret: 12-02-2024


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